Full-Cycle Recruiting

choose what we can offer your business

This option will be a good fit for you if

How this works


Once we’ve received a hiring request from you, we conduct conversations to validate expectations and requirements from your side. After all parties agree about further work, we sign documents, and provide you with access to the CRM where all candidate profiles will be stored


Based on the previous stage, we create candidate profiles, and collaborate with you to validate them and make sure we all are on the same page. Then, we share profiles on relevant platforms, collect job applications, filter the suitable ones, and track all supporting information in the CRM


We conduct the initial interview rounds with the previously selected candidates and provide detailed results for your consideration. Moving forward, we assist you in coordinating and organizing the following interview stages based on your preferences (e.g. test tasks, technical interviews, culture fit, etc.) and we keep track of the results


After candidate approval, we provide our support in your negotiations with the candidate and finalization of the employment terms. We keep in touch with you and the candidate during the pre-onboarding phase to address additional questions, ensure clarity about requirements and expectations from both sides, and facilitate the transition


During the onboarding stage, we maintain communication with your team and the new hire and provide mediation where it’s both possible and needed. If your expectations don’t seem to match reality, we provide help with communication. If during the probation period you eventually decide that you need another candidate, we help to find a better fit


10% - 20% of the yearly salary

of the yearly salary rate of the candidate

$2000 minimum charge

applicable regardless of the actual salary amount in case it is below the minimum amount


the payment on signing agreement by the company and the new hire
after the successful end of the probation period

Helen Paradnik

a Chief Operations Officer


Hired a Head of E-commerce

Diana Hrankina

an Operations Person


Hired a UI/UX designer

Let’s discuss 
how we can help you find your people!